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来原:云版本更新 时间间隔:2020-07-27 09:05:44 浏览次数:


抗震支架装置进程中有什么留心事宜、What precautions should be taken in the process of anti-seismic bracket installation1、留心装置进程中应预埋一定的部📖位  1. Pay attention to reserving a certain position in the process of installation.由于温度差的变动会造成 抗震支架的管路材料的冷澎涨反映,因而会抗震支架造成一定的偏移,因而在装置时要预埋一定的部位。而在非常管路中设定抗震支架时理应能操纵间隔,抗震支架生产商着重强调在转角处务必设定一个铁架子,相互间的间隔比间隔中间的设计方案恳求理应提升一个抗震支架。Beca𒅌use the change of temperature difference will cause the cold expansion response of pipeline data of seismic bracket, the displacement of seismic bracket will occur, so a certain position should be reserved in the installation. When installing anti-seismic brackets in special pipelines, the spacing should be mastered. The manufacturers of anti-seismic brackets emphasize that a bracket must be installed at the corner. The design requirements of the spacing ratio between the brackets should be added.2、留心装置进程中的占比设计方案务必有严苛的盘算

2. Pay attention to rigorous calculation of proportion design in the process of installation抗震支架生产厂家在装置时注重,非常是通风风管承载荷指数需要运用相关规定的公式计算按如具体情况盘算,由于全部装置设计方案务必十分科学研究谨严,不可以有一切果断。另外也有自来水管跟金属软管相关指数的取舍跟盘算,抗震支架实体模型跟设计方案务必完毕考試跟校对,务必确定令人满意恳求才能运用。When install🎐ing the anti-seismic bracket, the manufacturer emphasizes that, in particular, the load-bearing coefficient of air duct should be calculated according to the formula of relevant rules according to the actual situation, because all the device design must be superstitious and rigorous, and there can be no arbitrary. At the same time, the selection and calculation of the correlation coefficients of water and metal pipes are also included. The model and design of the anti-seismic bracket must stop checking and checking, and it is necessary to confirm that the application can meet the requirements.

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